Real Estate Transactions & Litigation
LLAMA AHORA 305-670-4455
The Lamchick Law Group, P.A. prides itself on its ability to handle both large and small real estate matters effectively and efficiently. We understand that the transaction or litigation process is often frustrating to our clients and are particularly sensitive to the economic realities of litigation. We understand real estate matters and dispense practical advice that advances our client’s economic interests.

Sobre Grupo Legal Lamchick
Recognizing that not all matters require pursuit of formal litigation, the Lamchick Law Group, P.A. is skilled at all forms of dispute resolution including direct negotiation, mediation, arbitration and, when in the best interest of the client, litigation. Call the Lamchick Law Group, P.A. today to make sure your needs are in the right hands.
Effective and Efficient: From Comprehensive Representation to Cost-Effective Solutions
Comprehensive representation
Alternative dispute resolution
Practical advice
Cost-effective solutions

Permítanos ayudarlo a encontrar un solución
The Lamchick Law Group, P.A. is a team of experienced attorneys who are dedicated to providing the highest level of legal representation to real estate clients. We are particularly sensitive to the economic realities of litigation, and we are skilled at all forms of dispute resolution, including direct negotiation, mediation, arbitration and when in the best interest of the client, litigation. We pride ourselves on our ability to handle both large and small commercial matters effectively and efficiently. Contact us today to make sure your real estate needs are in the right hands.
Satisfecho Clientela
Nuestro equipo profesional está aquí para usted las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana, así que no dude en contactarnos si tiene alguna pregunta, problema o sugerencia. Nos encantaría saber de usted. Puede comunicarse con nosotros por correo electrónico completando el formulario a continuación, o reunirse con nosotros en persona programando una cita. Nuestra información de contacto está abajo.